Posted by: Michelle UluOla | February 10, 2013

The Universal Principle: “To Love Is To Be Happy With”

Heart Wreath

Happy Valentine’s Day

Love IS…moment-to-moment…eternal. Poets and songwriters have heralded that fact since before recorded history when human beings were passing along their wisdom with verbal traditions.

Many cynics moan about Valentine’s Day having been invented by card and gift companies to merely make money. They obviously don’t know their history, since it’s been celebrated with handmade greetings since the fifteenth century, long before Hallmark was around. But given how many jobs those businesses generate, is that such a bad thing in an economy that needs stimulating? And then there are those that say the day makes people who are alone feel sad. But once folks realize those feelings are their choice, that no one is ever alone because we are all One, they can move beyond them. Shouldn’t the real point be to honor love in all its many forms? While it’s always time to celebrate Love, isn’t having one special day to focus on it the least we can do? If Ground Hogs, St. Patrick, April Fools and Columbus have special days on the calendar, certainly Love deserves to have one!

Valentine’s Day needn’t be just for romantic couples. Love is the subject of an Intersection of Science and Spirit I’ve been exploring on multiple levels.

Last February, I acknowledged the Unconditional Love shown by volunteers with a poem dedicated to them on my blog, “A Gratitude Valentine for Volunteers.”

In February 2011, I chronicled the science that’s validating how emotions, including Love, affect other human beings around the world inRiding The Wave of Evolving Consciousness” that shows how we are all One.

And on my March 2010 blog, “The Languages of Separateness or Oneness,” I wrote: “I’ve noticed that other languages use words that are much richer in meaning [than English], showing respect and acknowledgment of the other person in welcoming ways that recognize and celebrate Oneness.” I included a brief description of the use of the word “Aloha.”

In honor of this Valentine’s Day, I’d like to shine a light on one of the Seven Universal Principles as first taught to me by my Hawaiian Huna shamanic mentor, Serge Kahali King. [I plan to relate and expand on the other six principles in future blogs—please stay tuned.]

I’ll begin with an explanation of my personal use of “Aloha” and its deeper meaning. It’s been a favorite word of mine for a long time. The Hawai’ians have a beautiful language that expresses feelings and nuances that English doesn’t. When a good friend and I started flipping e-mails to each other, she would sign off with Aloha, because she liked the way another friend of hers used it, in much the same manner as some people adopt foreign words for good-bye like “ciao,” “au revoir,” or “adieu.” Some people use them because they are linked to fond memories, others only as an affectation. After I relayed to her the true meanings of aloha, it became almost like a code word between us. I cracked her up when I wrote it “~~~ALOHA~~~” and explained that I used the little ~‘s to represent “waving, hula hands.”

Over the years, I’ve shared this with other friends, and I’d like to share it with you, too. The parts of the word “aloha” mean “to love” and “to be with.” When Hawai’ians use it as a greeting, it means “hello, I love being with you (again).” When they use it in parting, it means, “farewell (or until we meet again), I loved having been with you (again).” It can be used in a platonic or romantic sense; it’s a greeting of love and compassion and, most especially, can also mean to be in the presence of the “divine breath” or “divinity,” acknowledging the “God within” the other person, in much the same way Buddhists use “Namasté” or Mayans use “In Lak’ech Ala K’in.” As you can see, with an alphabet of only 13 letters (including the apostrophe), each of the words in Hawai’ian must take on multiple meanings, depending on the context…nuances…lots of nuances.

But “Aloha” is so much more than a simple word—it is at the heart of one of the Seven Principles of Huna as explained by Serge King in this way:

“To Love is to Be Happy With
(Aloha—Love—Stop Criticizing)

To love is to be happy with.
Aloha is the word for love.
The root ‘alo’ means “to be with,
to share and experience, “here and now.”
The root ‘oha’ means “affection, joy.”
The root ‘alo’ also means “to be in the presence of.”
The root ‘ha’ means “breath, spirit, life force.”

Love exists to the degree that you are happy with the object of your love. The unhappy part comes from fear, anger and doubt. To be deeply in love means to be deeply connected, and the depth and clarity of the connection increases as fear, anger and doubt are removed.

Corollary: Love increases as judgment decreases.

Criticism kills relationships; praise builds and rebuilds them. When you give praise, you reinforce the good and it grows. When you criticize, you reinforce the bad and it grows.

Corollary: Everything is alive, aware and responsive.

Your subconscious takes any praise or criticisms it hears to heart, even if it’s directed elsewhere, even if you’re saying it. Each criticism separates you from and decreases your awareness of what you criticize, until you end up responding to a secondary creation of your own that may no longer resemble the original. When someone criticizes you, praise yourself to counteract it.”

In his book, Secrets of the Lost Mode of Prayer: The Hidden Power of Beauty, Blessings, Wisdom, and Hurt, Gregg Braden explores ideas both scientific and spiritual in the quest for understanding the mechanics of prayer—a real technology that was lost to us over the ages. Great minds! Reflecting Gregg’s conclusions, in his “The Little Pink Booklet of Aloha,” Serge King, Ph.D. teaches us practical ways to use the power of blessing (prayer).

With permission, I’m sharing Dr. King’s wisdom of “The Aloha Spirit” below. If you would like your free own copy, you can download the PDF file here.

The Aloha Spirit 1
The Aloha Spirit 2The Aloha Spirit 3The Aloha Spirit 4
The Aloha Spirit 5
The Aloha Spirit 6The Aloha Spirit 7
The Aloha Spirit 8
The Aloha Spirit 9The Aloha Spirit 10

How appropriate that 70-plus years ago, Serge Kahali King was born with the Aloha Spirit on February 15. Hau’oli la hanau [Happy Birthday] Serge—mahalo nui loa [thank you very much] for all the wisdom you have shared with us—may you continue to do so in good health for many more years.

So in celebration of Valentine’s Day, I bless you and invite you to adopt the Aloha Spirit. Carry it in your heart every day of the year. May it bless you, everything in your life, and everyone and everything you come in contact with. Amama!


ADDITIONAL INFORMATION — please click on the red highlighted words in the text above or below here to go to the site described.

Aloha International’s Hawaiian Huna Village has a cornucopia of wisdom.

The Aloha Project was conceived by Serge Kahili King in 1973 as a way to join the people of the world together in a spirit of Aloha to bring about physical, emotional, mental, environmental, social, and spiritual harmony based on the wisdom found in Hawaiian philosophy and culture.” Scroll down to the bottom of the Aloha International site for some specific ways in which you can participate. See menu on left-hand side for translations into 23 other languages.

“The Aloha Spirit” a.k.a. “The Little Pink Booklet of Aloha”—download free PDF copy here.

Huna and Hawaiiana Articles and Information: What is Huna? Current Articles and The Teaching Hut Library of archived articles by Serge and other wisdom keepers.

The Gospel of Huna—The Seven Principles of Huna as taught by Jesus of Nazareth compiled by Serge Kahili King.

Serge’s Cybership—library of articles, essays and poetry on Huna, shamanism and life in general, along with a treasury of photos and experiences.

Serge King’s Huna Store for books, audio, video and home study courses.

In Lak’ech Ala K’in—the Living Code of the Heart by Aluna Joy Yaxkin.

The Lost Mode of Prayer explanation by Gregg Braden.

Secrets of the Lost Mode of Prayer: The Hidden Power of Beauty, Blessings, Wisdom, and Hurt—Gregg Braden explores ideas both scientific and spiritual in the quest for understanding the mechanics of prayer—a real technology that was lost to us over the ages.

Love Is In The Air—John Paul Young

Love Train—O’Jays

Namasté—an explanation.

Valentine’s Day—read the history here.

******©UluOla 2013******


  1. Aloha Michelle, finally found the time to post your thoughts on my blog. Thank you for allowing me to do so 🙂

    Love and gratitude, Anja

    Owner of the following blogs:

    P.S.: Before you print this e-mail, think twice if it is really needed. Environmental protection is the responsibility of everyone.

    Date: Sun, 10 Feb 2013 07:03:37 +0000 To:


    • You’re very welcome, Anja–thank you for the honor of being included on your blog! Aloha with (Hugs), Michelle


  2. Lovely Valentine-thank you! Maureen


  3. This is a post that is wonderful, valuable, important and very much needed in today’s world. I’m looking forward to the others in the series. Thank you and Aloha!


    • Thank you, Paul, for your kind words and support–always very appreciated! You’re welcome and Aloha! 🙂


  4. Loved this!!


  5. Aloha Michelle 🙂
    this is VERY beautiful – may I have your permission to post your today’s post on my blog (with reference to your blog?)
    This needs to be shared further…

    Greetings from my heart


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